New WBCSD report helps companies accelerate renewable energy procurement in 印度

Today, the World Business Council for Sustainable 发展 (WBCSD) released its newest report, “Accelerating corporate procurement of renewable energy in 印度.”

发表: 6月18日2018
类型: 新闻

2018年6月18日,新德里: 这个报告 is designed to be an important resource for companies considering corporate renewable Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) in the country.

It presents options for renewable power procurement and provides information on contract types, the regulatory landscape and market barriers. It also describes financing options and concludes with recommendations for corporate buyers. This is important because a significant bulk of 印度’s power generation capacity is yet to be built and a large part of the new electricity demand is expected to come from businesses.

“Corporate renewable PPAs are one of the most important ways in which businesses can reap the benefits of renewable energy and help 印度 in meeting its Paris commitments,拉吉夫·兰詹·米什拉说, 中电印度董事总经理.

“The right use of PPA mechanisms can enable companies – from small and medium enterprises to major energy-intensive corporations – to improve their competitiveness and sustainability by purchasing cost-effective renewable energy,Milagros Rivas Saiz说, 国际金融公司跨行业咨询经理. She adds, “PPAs in 印度 have proven to be successful thus far with 1.8 GW of solar PPA s in place by the end of 2017, but challenges remain in further increasing such efforts.”

Renewable projects require access to the grid, which is regulated and can have charges associated with it. State level support - or lack thereof - impacts the ease of adoption and viability of renewable projects built for commercial and industrial consumers.

幸运的是, 报告强调, the economic case for renewable PPAs is now sufficiently compelling for companies to undertake the challenge of evaluating renewable procurement options and negotiating contracts on a state by state basis.

“Idea’s adoption of renewable power has been a success story. All large power consumers must evaluate renewable PPAs to increase the share of renewable power in their energy mix,雅各布·马修说, National Head of 项目 at Idea Networks.

这个报告 will help procurement departments within renewable energy buyers, heads of origination and business development within project developers as well as regulators and government officials in 印度 who would like to increase their understanding of corporate renewable PPAs.

能源 buyers interested in corporate renewable PPAs across the world should also refer to the related publication “Corporate Renewable Power Purchase Agreements – Scaling up globally” for information about PPAs more generally.

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