Webinar to explore if your sustainability goals & position statements are fit for purpose

Goals Workshop

Are your current sustainability goals fit for purpose? 

As your company considers how to improve resilience or how to do its part to align with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, it may be time to reconsider your sustainability goals. WBCSD has collaborated with the Embedding Project to create a Goals Database containing leading sustainability goals from companies in a broad range of sectors. Each goal has been assessed according to a set of transparent criteria, outlined in the Embedding Project’s Embedded Strategies guide.

Join us on Tuesday 15 September – 16.30 CET to explore this new tool with your sustainability peers in an interactive workshop, facilitated by the Embedding Project.

We will begin by exploring contextual goals, why they are important, and how to set them. Next, we will provide an overview of the goals database and how you can make use of it. After that, we will break out into smaller facilitated groups where you can roll up your sleeves and interact with your peers by examining your current goals and crafting new ones. When we come back together, we will share the insights gained and discuss other resources and tools for developing strategies aligned with shifting to an economy that values people, communities, and the environment.


  • Contextual goals and why we need them
  • Qualities of well-articulated goals
  • Examples of leading goals
  • Overview of the database and how to use it
  • Breakout groups: examining and refining current goals, crafting new goals
  • Peer goals review and feedback
  • Aligning goals with the SDGs
  • Further resources, tools and guidance 

Participant numbers will be limited to ensure the workshop is as interactive as possible. To secure your attendance, please register here


Position Statements Workshop

Has your company articulated a credible position on key social and environmental issues?

In light of growing expectations for companies to play an active part in addressing sustainability, it is increasingly important to articulate credible public positions on key issues. WBCSD has collaborated with the Embedding Project to help companies to develop credible position statements and benchmark them against other leading companies.

The Position Database was created following a review of thousands of corporate positions articulated by companies globally, on issues as diverse as community rights and freedoms, materials and waste, ecosystems, and climate. Each of the leading statements included in the database has been assessed using publicly available data, according to the framework outlined in the Embedding Project’s Governance Guide.

Join us on Tuesday 29 September – 16.30 CET to roll up your sleeves and learn about taking a credible position with your sustainability peers in an interactive workshop, facilitated by the Embedding Project.

We will begin by exploring position statements, why they are important, and the qualities of a well-crafted statement. Next, we will provide an overview of the position statement database and how you can make use of it.  After that, we will break out into smaller facilitated groups where you can roll up your sleeves and interact with your peers by soliciting ideas for how to refine a current statement or working through how to craft a new one. When we come back together, we will share the insights gained and discuss other resources and tools aligned with shifting to an economy that values people, communities, and the environment.


  • Position Statements and why we need them
  • Qualities of well-articulated position statements
  • Examples of leading position statements
  • Overview of the database and how to use it
  • Breakout groups: examining and refining current statements, crafting new statements
  • Peer statement review and feedback
  • Aligning position statements with the SDGs
  • Further resources, tools and guidance 

Participant numbers will be limited to ensure the workshop is as interactive as possible. To secure your attendance, please register here


Date: 03 Aug 2020

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